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Our Mission: To Empower You with the Skills Needed to Respond Effectively to any Emergency.


Emergency Operations Center / Incident Management Team Interface

This course provides an exercise environment for EOC members and IMT responders to practice communications and coordination between the EOC and field operations command during simulated incidents, both planned and unplanned.

This course describes the roles, responsibilities, and relationships of local Emergency Operations Centers (EOCs) and Incident Management Teams (IMTs). It trains participants on effective management of domestic incidents and exercises the interfaces between EOC personnel and All-Hazards IMTs (Types 3, 4, and 5).

This IEMC clarifies the difference between resource management at the EOC and on-scene command. It presents the ways an EOC can be organized and explains the difference between the IMT's on-scene command responsibilities and an EOC's coordination responsibilities.

This course is delivered via classroom lectures, discussions, and functional exercises.

Selection Criteria:
The target audience for this course includes EOC personnel and IMT members. EOC personnel include, but are not limited to, elected and appointed officials (e.g., mayors; city and county managers) jurisdictional attorneys; emergency managers; fire, police, emergency medical services, and public safety managers; public works and public health managers; EMS managers; community services and volunteer agency managers; and key EOC support staff.

Required: EOC Personnel: IS-100.b, Introduction to the Incident Command System (ICS), ICS-100; IS-200.b, Incident Command System (ICS) for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents, ICS-200; and IS-700.a, National Incident Management System (NIMS), An Introduction. IMT Personnel: ICS-300, Intermediate Incident Command System (ICS) for Expanding Incidents, and ICS-400, Advanced Incident Command System (ICS), Command and General Staff-Complex Incidents.

G775, Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Management and Operations, and IS-701.a, Multi-Agency Coordination System (MACS) Course.

Course Length:
4 days

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