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Our Mission: To Empower You with the Skills Needed to Respond Effectively to any Emergency.


Division/Group Supervisor (DIVS)

NIMS ICS All-Hazards Position Specific

Course Description:
The course is designed to provide local and state-level emergency responders with a robust understanding of the duties, responsibilities, and capabilities of an effective DIVS on an AHIMT. The course walks students through general information, including an overview of the Operations Section and information on incident mobilization, initial situation awareness and unit management. It also provides detailed instruction on responding to the incident and the command needs of the incident, as well as emphasizing the importance of risk management and safety considerations.

Selection Criteria:
NIMS ICS Position Specific training should be completed by personnel who are regularly assigned to functional, support, or unit leader positions on USFA or other Type III All-Hazards Incident Management Teams (AHIMT), or by those persons who desire to seek credentials/certification in those positions.

Required:ICS 100, 200, 700, 800
Recommended:ICS 300, 400

Course Length:
3 days


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