HEICS Hospital Emergency Incident Command Training
HEICS: a set of response procedures which fit within a hospital's emergency preparedness plan. A total hospital plan still requires policies and procedures such as "Disaster Plan Authorization", "Staff Recall", "Staff Education of Facility Disaster Plan", maps locating special disaster related areas, and other elements.
Confusion and chaos are commonly experienced by the hospital at the onset of a medical disaster. However, these negative effects can be minimized if management responds quickly with structure and a focused direction of activities. The Hospital Emergency Incident Command System (HEICS) is an emergency management system which employs a logical management structure, defined responsibilities, clear reporting channels, and a common nomenclature to help unify hospitals with other emergency responders. There are clear advantages to all hospitals using this particular emergency management system.
Based upon public safety's Incident Command System, HEICS has already proved valuable in helping hospitals serve the community during a crisis and resume normal operations as soon as possible.
The HEICS training for hospitals offers the following benefits:
- Predictable chain of management
- Accountability of position function
- Flexible organizational chart allows flexible response to specific emergencies
- Improved documentation of facility
- Common language to facilitate outside assistance
- Prioritized response checklists
- Cost effective emergency planning within health care corporations
- Governmental requirements
The 1996 Edition of the National Fire Protection Association, Health Care Facilities Handbook states in chapter 11-4.3, "The disaster planning committee shall model the disaster plan on the incident command system (ICS)." The American Society for Healthcare Engineering of the American Hospital Association in an August, 1997 Healthcare Facilities Management Series states "One of the best examples of emergency preparedness through checklists can be found in The Hospital Emergency Incident Command System..."
ICS Introduction ICS-100
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